doTERRA enrollment kits UK

If you have arrived on this page it is because you are undecided what doTERRA introductory kit will suit you and your family

If you have arrived on this page it is because you are undecided what doTERRA introductory kit will suit you and your family

If you are intending to become a doTERRA Wellness advocate or Wholesale customer the most affordable way to start is by purchasing a kit. The choice of kits available are vast and to everybody's price range.

Why purchase doTERRA kits rather than individual oils?

Simply the price.

Depending on the price and the size of the kit there are many benefits to buying a kit. For example you will receive substantial discount on the products, also the enrollment fee will be waived you won't need to pay the £20 / 20€ fee for the basic start up kit.

doTERRA introductory kit

What is the best doTERRA introductory kit for me?

Many new members will tell you how excited they got when they first open their enrollment kit. The delivery arrives and there is the feeling that anything is possible. Now I can help my family to become happy and healthy and maybe I can make some extra money for the holiday we have been promising ourselves.

Yes, we have jumped ahead to quickly, because as you sit in front of you PC or laptop you started asking yourself, "Which kit is for me?" For many it is desperately difficult to know which one to choose. As a passing comment, the new kits are make of almost entirely reusable materials.

How to choose a doTERRA introductory kit?

I am not sure if I sure be telling you what kit to purchase, because that would be wrong. I would end up forcing you into buying something you are not happy with and in my opinion, I would be providing a bad service..

What I would suggest is to consider:

  • Why you are purchasing a kit in the first place?
  • What you expect to get out of it?
  • How much you want to spend?
  • What are you intending to use the oils / products for?

Once you have answered these questions you will begin to understand what type of kit your require and how much you want to pay. As for the prices of the kits they start from,  115 € / £102 for the Family essentials and beadlets kit to as much as 2305,50 € / £1868.50 for the Business leaders kit which gives you 25% off plus 400 product points.

If you want to start a business and believe you have what it takes to be successful the larger kits would be an advantage in regards to sharing the oils. However, if you are looking a using the oils for personal use only one of the smaller kits would be more suitable such as the doTERRA family essentials kit.

If you want more information about purchasing one of the many doTERRA introductory kit in the UK or Europe add your name, email address and short message in the form below and I will get back to you asap.....