doTERRA UK price list affordability overview

I often hear that doTERRA prices are out of reach of the average consumer, so while I was writing this page, I done some research

I often hear that doTERRA prices are out of reach of the average consumer, so while I was writing this page, I done some research

Yes I know we should not be talking about the prices when are health and wellness are in question. Arguably, can we afford to be unhealthy while the price of health care continually rises.

If we consider the impart that essential oils will have on our lives they are so affordable. But I do understand the issue with doTERRA prices, so I have made a list of the top five most affordable essential oils and blends:

My top five doTERRA essential oils price list review

Lemongrass oil 15 ml:  £11.67 /  €15.00 |  £8.75 / €11.25

If you have never use lemongrass in cooking this is the time to start by using this very affordable essential oil. However, if you are like me and workout two to three times a week you will find that massaging lemongrass with a carrier oil into your skin will impact your workout.

Clove oil 15 ml:  £15.33 / €20.00 | £11.50 / €15.00

Clove oil is a major player in the essential oils world at a great price.  It can help and support a healthy immune system. In addition it can support lungs and respiratory tract, the stomach and gastrointestinal tract, the joints, the liver, the nervous system, and metabolism. So, well worth buying.

Eucalyptus oil 15 ml:  £15.33 / €20.00 | £11.50 / €15.00

Eucalyptus oil is already know for its opening the airways when we have a cold or flu, but it is also great for cleaning surfaces. For block noses and troubled sleep diffuse eucalyptus oil next to your bed for a relaxing sheep.

Wild Orange oil 15 ml:  £12.00 / €15.00 | £9.00 / €11.25

Wild orange oil is probably one of the most popular oil on this list. It can be used to create a refreshing detoxifying drink to supporting a healthy immune system. Wild orange oils so versatile that most customers purchase this oils every month for all their diffusing, cleaning and drinking needs.

Cedarwood oil 15 ml:  £16.00 / €20.00 | £12.00 / €15.00

Cedarwood is one of the best natural insect repellents around especially on the dreaded moth.  It is also improves skin imperfections as well as soothing the body and soul. You can added to your homemade cleaning fluid to enhance its cleaning properties.

doTERRA essential oils price list

Bonus product from the doTERRA UK price list review

Intro Essential Oil Kit Single (3 oils kit):  £29.67 / €31.33 | £22.25 / €31.33

As a bonus product and I believe the most affordable product from doTERRA is the trio kit which is three of the most commonly used oils. The Introductory Kit includes a 5 mL bottle of Lavender, Lemon, and Peppermint essential oils. This allows anyone with the need or the desire to use essential oils to immediate experience its life-changing benefits.

If you would like more clarity about the oils or more details about the doTERRA UK price list, add your name, email address and short message on the form below and I will get back to you asap.....